What does the
church of Christ teach about
On this page we have provided all the sermons, studies and Bible lessons
that we have available on the topic of Tower of Babel. These lessons have
been recorded and published here for the good of all. Please feel
free to use any of this material in sermon or lesson preparation. Thank you for coming here and may God bless you in your
efforts in His kingdom.
Gen 11:9
Therefore its name is called
Babel, because there the
Lord confused the language
of all the earth; and from
there the Lord scattered
them abroad over the face of
all the earth.
Church of Christ Sermon
Out Of Babel
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Out Of Babel
In a new study just
recently published in the Proceedings of the
National Academy of Sciences, the research supported
the idea that multiple people groups had independent
origins. This would support the confusion of
languages that happened at Babel. The researchers
analyzed 2,082 worldwide languages and 246 global
people groups. So this study matched up well with
the dispersal of different people groups at Babel.
So let’s go to God’s Word to see what happened at
A Story of Firsts
In his book In the
Beginning, Justin Rogers describes three firsts
associated with the Tower of Babel episode in
11: 1-9.
Reasons for Building
To Make a Name
for Themselves (Genesis 11:4)
Although the Tower of
Babel no longer exists, the sinful behavior of its
builders continues.
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Out Of Babel |