What does the
church of Christ teach about
We have provided all the sermons, studies and Bible lessons
that we have available on the topic of raising children. These
lessons have been recorded
and published here for the
good of all. Please
feel free to use any of this
material for research,
edification, sermon or
lesson preparation.
Thank you for your interest and may God bless you in your
efforts in His kingdom.
Proverbs 22:6
"Train up a child in the
way he should go, And when
he is old he will not depart
from it."
Sermon Outline / Lesson |
Media |
What I Want My Children to Believe
So, as a parent, what do I need to teach my children? What do I want my
children to believe? |
Bobby Stafford |
Are Children Born Sinners?
It is hard to believe that anyone would even think that
babies are born as sinners. Yet many Protestants and Catholics believe
this. They say that babies are born with a sinful nature and blackened
with original sin. Does the Bible, the Word of God, actually teach
this? |

Bobby Stafford |