Dealing with Disappointment
No matter who you are, you have experienced disappointment
at some time in your life. Maybe it was a job you didn’t
get, a relationship that failed, a business that went under,
a grade that you didn’t make. The list could go on.
Disappointment can be defined as “the feeling of sadness
caused by one’s hopes or expectations not being fulfilled.”
Hope deferred makes the heart sick. (Proverbs
Since disappointment happens to all of us, we want to make
sure it doesn’t turn into discouragement, then
disillusionment, then depression and finally defeat.
Let us turn our attention to those in the Bible who suffered
disappointment and learn what we can from their experiences.
I. Those Who Experienced Disappointment
· Moses
was disappointed by his own brethren. (Acts
He was disappointed with his circumstances. (Acts
· Job
was disappointed with his wife (Job
and his friends (Job
· David
had one of his sons, Amnon, rape his half-sister, Tamar. (II
Samuel 13)
His son, Absalom, murdered his brother, Amnon. (II
Samuel 13)
A close advisor, Ahithophel, betrayed him. (II
Samuel 15)
His own son, Absalom, tried to kill him. (II
Samuel 15)
· Jesus disciples
were disappointed that Jesus didn’t come to end the Roman
oppression. (Luke
· Jesus had one of the twelve apostles betray Him; His own brothers
didn’t believe in Him at first; (John
and His own countrymen rejected Him. (Mark
· So we all face disappointments at times. The question is:
How do we deal with it?
II. Dealing with Disappointment
· With others
Remember that others are not perfect, but God is and can
always be trusted. (Psalm
God knows our disappointments and difficulties. (Psalm
· With self
Jesus knows disappointments will come but He is more
powerful than anything we face. (John
16:33, I John 4:4)
These disappointing experiences will work out for our good
if we continue to love the Lord. (Romans
We can learn to deal with disappointment in our lives by
remembering God’ s faithfulness and keeping our eyes focused
on our goal – a home in heaven.
Bobby Stafford
December 29, 2013
