The 6th Annual Preachersfiles Lectureship |
congregation of the church of Christ in Courtland, Alabama
hosted the 2011 sixth Annual Preachers Files Lectureship.
The topic for this years
lectureship was
Modern Problems, Biblical
Solutions |
Preachers Files
is an organized online archive of sound Biblical material for the
purpose of fulfilling the Great Commission of Jesus Christ to "go
into all world and preach the Gospel" |
People from over
a hundred nations around the earth come to the Preachers Files
Website to
online and to learn more about God's will for mankind. |

What is The Church of Christ?
Lesson 1,
Lesson 2
About the church of Christ |
Information |
Contact Courtland Church of Christ at
(256) 637-0017 |
The church of Christ at Courtland
is located at
426 Alabama Street, Courtland, Alabama 35618.
The Preachersfiles lectureship is
sponsored by, a work which is overseen by elders
of the Pelham church of Christ in Pelham, AL. |
The Preachers Files |
"Building the church of
Christ worldwide" |
Modern Problems,
Biblical Answers
We can see the influences of the
world all around us. Society at large is expelling God from
the schools, driving Him from the workplace and removing Him from
wherever His name is found. The world is forgetting Who their
Creator and Sustainer is. The modern world has a lot of problems
and the Bible has answers to them all.
The 6th Annual Preachers Files
Lectureship deals with the modern problems associated with today's
society with Biblical answers. Preachers and teachers from as far as away as India
traveled to Courtland, Alabama to present Biblical Answers to the modern
problems of today's society. |
Our plea is for all mankind to
return to pure Christianity as it is taught in scripture. We can
read of those who lived at the time of Christ when He walked on the
Earth. They were there when He lived and taught among them.
They were there when He was crucified and when he arose and ascended
back to Heaven to be with God the Father and they were among the first
Christians ever to live. The Biblical pattern of Christian
living is recorded for
us today by inspiration in the Holy Scriptures. Using their
examples, we can pattern our lives after the Christians who were there
when the Lord's church was established. And by so doing, we are
assured of living our lives acceptably before God and thus live secure
in our hope of eternal life.
All are invited to download and
listen to the audio and/or video files of the lessons. Please feel free to
share them with all who are seeking Biblical answers to their problems.
Thank you for your interest
in seeking God's will. |
Speaker |
Sermon/Lesson Title

(Right Click to Download) |


Added |
Travis Main |
How Much Should I Date? (Audio)
(Video) |
July 31, 2011 |
David Hersey |
Denominationalism (Audio)
(Video) |
July 31, 2011 |
Esudas |
Is the Internet Evil? (Audio)
(Video) |
July 31, 2011 |
Randy Pyle |
Stewardship (Audio)
(Video) |
July 30, 2011 |
Joe May |
Homosexuality (Audio)
(Video) |
July 30, 2011 |
Trent Childers |
What About Drugs? (Audio)
(Video) |
July 30, 2011 |
Tim Hester |
Can a Christian Be A Mason? (Audio)
(Video) |
July 30, 2011 |
Greg Dial |
Evolution (Audio)
(Video) |
July 30, 2011 |
Joshua Posey |
Challenges Facing Our Youth (Audio)
(Video) |
July 30, 2011 |
Mark Posey |
Modest Apparel (Audio)
(Video) |
July 30, 2011 |
Rich Richardson |
Being and Encourager (Audio)
(Video) |
July 29, 2011 |
Lee Parish |
Men & Women (Audio)
(Video) |
July 29, 2011 |
Dick Sztanyo |
What To Do When Government Does Wrong
(Video) |
July 29, 2011 |
The speakers would like to thank the congregation of the
church of Christ at Courtland, Alabama for hosting the 6th Annual Preachersfiles
Lectureship. The kindness and generosity was unmatched. A very
special thanks goes out to all who worked so hard to make the lectureship a
success. The love, hospitality and kindness shown us during our stay there
was indeed appreciated.