The church of Christ in
Makkenavaripalem: was
started by Bro. Claude A. Guild with Esudas' father Bontha Paul
more than 25 years ago. It is located in the village
Makkenavaripalem, Santhamagulur mandal, Prakasam Distict, A.
P. India. The population of Makkenavaripalem village is
approximately 8000 souls, and the nearby village is
Kommalapadu with a population of about 6000 souls. The Lord
has placed an open door of opportunity to win many lost souls
to Christ in this part of India. There are 45
regular members in attendance for the services. Many more
have been baptized but due to lack of a
building they are not attending the services. Attendance
will be better once we are able to build a place of worship
large enough to accommodate everyone.
Worship services are from 12 Noon on the
porch of one of the members. Esudas conducts the Bible
Class on Wednesday and his wife, Lakkepogu
Vijaya Kumari, conducts the
Ladies Bible Class on Every Friday evening and Sunday
School every Sunday morning for the children at 9 AM.
She also conducts the youth meeting for the ladies in the
village streets on occasion. She teaches the word of the Lord
and gives instruction in diseases like HIV, health talks, home
cleanness and child care. Esudas does house visiting,
conducts family prayers, funerals, memorial meetings, weddings,
naming celebrations, thanks giving prayer meetings and visits
the sick.
Thanks to outside support they were able
to provide Bibles, hymnbooks, tables and chairs, mats and
communion trays and glasses. During last years famine they were
able provide them with rice and dall, clothing and money for the
aged. All the members of the The church of Christ in
Makkenavaripalem are grateful for the
outside support from brothers and sisters in Christ.
Several Gospel meetings and preachers get
together programs have been conducted in this village. The
Livings Stone Preachers Training School was located here from
July to 1st through part of December 2004. At end of November
school attendance was up to 29. Student preachers were taught
the basics of the Church doctrine, over view of the Bible,
preaching techniques and sermon preparation. The preachers
school was closed due to a lack of funding but the congregation
still meets and worships there to this day. A church
building was started for this congregation in May 9 of 1977 but
has never been finished. They built the foundations,
plinth beam, columns up to 4 feet. The cost of finished work was
$3500.00 All of this money was contributed from our
congregation and some neighboring congregations and individuals
of our brotherhood. The needed amount to finish construction is
$14000. The completed building will be 8.4 meters wide by
12.64 meters long. See Photo at right.
There are 3 denominations working in this village.
1. Baptist.
2. Living Evangelical Fellowship
3. Laymen's Evangelical Fellowship.
There are also many people here with HIV
and many orphans. The fields are truly white unto the
harvest. Please pray for workers and support in their
efforts to being the truth of God's word to these people.
The saints in the church of Christ at
Makkenavaripalem greet you warmly.

Thanks to the generosity and hard work of
many Christians, Construction on the facility in Makkenavaripalem
is nearing completion. Pictures of the progress of this
project can be seen by following the link below.
worship facility construction pictures.
Pictures of the
opening service