Marriage Is Honorable
Marriage is a sacred
institution because it came from God Himself. As
Hebrews 13:4
proclaims, “Marriage is honorable among all- - -” Even Jesus performed
His first miracle at a wedding ceremony. We can learn much by looking at
the very first wedded couple. (Genesis
Genesis 2:18-24
The Beginning of Marriage
Adam’s solitude was “not good.” It wasn’t that Adam’s creation wasn’t
perfect; it just wasn’t complete. God created Adam with need for
companionship. Marriage was to fill that need. She would be
“complimentary” to him.
By naming each animal, Adam realized none of them was a suitable mate.
None of them was made in the image of God.
God created a helper, “a corresponding one,” and used raw material from
Adam to do so. This one would be comparable, but not identical! God knew
children would need both a man and a woman for parents, not two men or
two women. (Leviticus
20:13, Leviticus 18:22-25, I Corinthians 6:9-10)
Adam expressed his delight at God’s latest creation. She was like Adam,
only different. God had crafted her as the perfect complement to Adam.
She was a precious gift from God. (Proverbs
The establishment of marriage is a coming together physically, mentally,
emotionally, and spiritually. (Matthew
The Blessings of Marriage
God wants your spouse to be your best friend. This makes for a happy and
healthy marriage.
Someone who is a
helper with you who will work alongside.
Someone who
completes you, makes you whole. Men and women are different! They think
differently [wired differently], are different emotionally, and women
use more words.
Commitment is the bond between husband and wife. It is to be stronger
than parent and child or brother and sister, etc. Your spouse deserves
your greatest human loyalty.
Proverbs 18:22.
“He who finds a wife finds a good thing, And obtains favor from the
Lord.” NKJV
Bobby Stafford
December 29, 2013
