Sermon/Lesson Title
Bobby Stafford
December 20, 2020 |
Racism & Prejudice
history is filled with accounts of people being discriminated
against due to race, skin color, religious beliefs, and gender... Prejudice
is nothing new in this world. As Christians, God's people, how should we
view this? What does God's word say?
Bobby Stafford
15, 2020
Sunday AM Sermon |
A Tale
Of Two Cities
Genesis 19:24-25. "These verses describe the end of Sodom and Gomorrah when God brought
judgment upon them and the surrounding cities. But why did God do this? In
finding out, we will discover several truths from this tale of two cities. |

Bobby Stafford
October 29, 2020
Sunday AM Sermon |
The Sin of Laziness One of the dangers of modern life is
rearing children to be lazy. No farming chores, no gardening. We have
dishwashers and clothes dryers, so many young people are raised with poor
work habits. They spend time on useless pursuits. Many of these young people
become lazy adults with little ambition. They believe the world owes them
something. How does God feel about this? We can look at the parable of the
talents in Matthew 25:26. “You wicked and lazy servant.” |

Bobby Stafford
October 29, 2020
Sunday AM Sermon |
The Order
If God had it his way, what would our churches look
like? This is a question asked by Francis Chan in his book titled
“Letters to the church”. God gave his order for the church, and
multitudes have ignored it and\ or changed it. So that many churches
today are very different from what god ordered!!! |
Christian Living

Bobby Stafford
October 12, 2020
Sunday AM Sermon |
How Should I Pray?
Prayer connects us with the
creator of the universe and helps us become closer to our
heavenly father. Because of this, how should I pray? And are
there things that can hinder my prayers? |

Bobby Stafford
October 12, 2020
Sunday AM Sermon |
Why Should I Study The Bible?
Nothing is more important than knowing God's word and obeying
it. Give yourself to diligent study of it. Remember the words of Peter and
John 6: 68 “you have the word of eternal life.” |

Bobby Stafford
Sunday AM Sermon
October 12, 2020 |
Abundant Embrace |
Christian Living

Bobby Stafford
Sunday AM Sermon
October 12, 2020 |
How To Confess Your Sins |
Bobby Stafford
October 6, 2020
Sunday AM Sermon |
Uncertain Times
It's easy to forget who is truly in control in times of great turmoil. But
we must remember that amid all the chaos, our God reigns. Jehovah is always
in control. He always has been and always will be. There are no
circumstances, situations, or crises outside of his rule. We may not
understand God's plan, but our job is to trust.
There is a powerful passage
in the Book of Haggai that illustrates the unwavering control of our
heavenly father. Who was Haggai? He was a prophet sent by God to deliver a
message to Zerubbabel. Many of God's people had returned from captivity and
were in Jerusalem rebuilding the temple. This message was essentially, “I am
still in control.” |
Christian Living

Bobby Stafford
Sunday AM Sermon
October 11, 2020 |
The Fallow Ground |
Christian Living

Bobby Stafford
Sunday AM Sermon
October 11, 2020 |
The Death of Christ |
Jesus Christ
Bobby Stafford
October 11, 2020
Sunday AM Sermon |
Does God Really Exist?
The answer to the question:
“does God exist?” Affects all other questions. “If there is a
supreme being then life has inherent purpose and some form of
meaning.” Doctor Brad Harrub, PH. D. In anatomy and neurobiology
from the University of Tennessee.
Why should every right
thinking, rational human being believe in the existence of a
supreme being?

Bobby Stafford
September 1, 2020
Sunday AM Sermon |
What Hinders You?
After Stephen was put to
death for the cause of Christ, great persecution arose against the church.
As a result, a large number of Christians were scattered throughout the
regions of Judea and Samaria. These Christians were everywhere preaching
God. One is specifically named Phillip. He was one of seven chosen in Acts
6. He was later called Philip the Evangelist (Acts 21:8). He preached Christ
and his Kingdom in the city of Samaria and many were converted.
Lesson text: Acts
8:26-40 |
Bobby Stafford
Sunday AM Sermon
June 21, 2020 |
Jesus Appears In
Jesus appears to his
apostles (without Thomas) and commissions them as ambassadors of peace. A
week later, he appears to them again with Thomas. Thomas acknowledges Jesus
as both Lord and God and now he appears to them a third time by the Sea of
Sermon text: John 21 |
Jesus Christ
Bobby Stafford
Sunday AM Sermon
June 14, 2020 |
Lay Hold On
Eternal Life
The apostle Paul ends his
first letter to Timothy, the evangelist, emphatically by encouraging him to
lay hold on eternal life. Paul describes how all Christians can get a firm
grip on everlasting life. He lists certain principles that one must pursue
if one wants heaven to be his home. This is of the utmost importance!
Sermon text:
1 Timothy 6:11-16 |
Bobby Stafford
Sunday AM Sermon
June 7, 2020 |
Christians’ View of Money
The times we live are some
of the most prosperous in human history. There are very few truly poor
people in America today, compared to the rest of the world. We have more
material possessions than any generation that has ever walked the earth. How
are Christians to view their money and possessions? How are we to keep our
priorities straight? How are we to control what we have in a society that
does not? God's word is always relevant, and our text addresses these
important questions very directly.
1 Timothy 6:6-10, |
Bobby Stafford
Sunday AM Sermon
May 31, 2020 |
necessity of doctrinal purity
A.W. TOZER once said, “It
would be impossible to overemphasize the importance of sound doctrine in the
life of a Christian. Right thinking about all spiritual matters is
imperative to having the right living. As men do not gather grapes of thorns
nor figs of thistles, so sound character does not grow out of unsound
The popular idea is that
doctrine is not important; one must only be sincere. Paul refutes that
belief in our text and stresses the absolute necessity of doctrinal purity.
Lesson text: 1 Timothy
6:3-5 |
Bobby Stafford
Sunday AM Sermon
May 24, 2020 |
between slaves and masters
in Paul's letter to
Timothy, he discusses the church's conduct concerning preachers, widows,
elders, and now, in our text, slaves and masters. It has been estimated that
there were 60 million slaves in the Roman Empire at the time of this letter
was written. Some say the entire economy was built on slavery. Masters could
legally do whatever they wanted with their slaves. They were considered
merely property. It is in this background of the times that Paul writes
about how Christian slaves are to conduct themselves.
Text: 1 Timothy 6: 1, 2 |
Christian Living
Bobby Stafford
Sunday AM Sermon
May 17, 2020 |
Treatment of Elders:
The purpose of Paul's letter to Timothy was to set forth how
the church was to conduct itself. He had just discussed at length how the
church was to treat its widows, including financial support for some. He now
turns his attention to the church and its conduct towards its leaders, the
Sermon text: 1 Timothy 5:17-25, |
Bobby Stafford
Sunday AM Sermon
May 17, 2020 |
Widows are to be Honored
God has always, throughout time, been concerned about widows.
He is called a defender of widows in Psalms 68: 5. He relieves the
fatherless and widows in Psalm 146: 9. One aspect of pure and undefiled
religion is to visit widows in their trouble in James 1:27. One of the first
situations in the early church that the apostles had to deal with was
concerning the neglect of certain widows-Acts 6. Widows are a special class
of church members listed in 1 Timothy 5:12. Widows are a group that God is
very concerned about.
Sermon text: 1 Timothy 5: 3-16 |
Bobby Stafford
Sunday AM Sermon
May 10, 2020 |
A Preacher’s Charge
Paul left Timothy in
Ephesus as an evangelist to instruct the church there on how to behave.
Timothy was given great responsibility as the preacher for the church in
Ephesus. In our text, Paul gives Timothy a charge as to how he was to
conduct himself as their preacher.
Sermon text: 1 Timothy
4: 12-16 |
Bobby Stafford
Sunday AM Sermon
April 26, 2020 |
A Good Servant
A servant of Jesus Christ
submits to Jesus as Lord and spends their life serving him. Those who will
hear the words “well done, good and faithful servant” on the day of judgment
will be those who have been faithful in carrying out their duties, Matthew
Sermon text:1 Timothy 4:
6-11 |
Christian Living
Bobby Stafford
Sunday AM Sermon
April 19, 2020 |
Some will
depart from the faith
the theme of 1 Timothy is Christian conduct. The basis of that conduct is
the truth, the faith of the gospel. The text shows the necessity of the
truth and how destructive religious error is. If one believes in error, he
will practice error. These verses show the necessity of vigilance, both by
the individual Christian as well as the entire congregation.
Text: 1 Timothy 4: 1-5 |
Bobby Stafford
Sunday AM Sermon
April 12, 2020 |
Qualifications of
The apostle Paul instructed
Timothy to teach the Christians in Ephesus how they were to conduct
themselves as members of the Lord's church. The church needs to emphasize
prayer, first Timothy 2: 1, 2; Men and women have direct roles in the
church, first Timothy 2: 8-15; the church is to be led by overseers, 1
Timothy 3: 1-7. The church, therefore, needs to understand the
qualifications and work of these overseers.
Lesson text: 1 Timothy
3: 1-7, Titus 1: 5-11. |
Elders Deacons
Bobby Stafford
Sunday AM Sermon
April 5, 2020 |
Speaking in Tongues
Due to the influence of Pentecostalism,
many people throughout the world claim to have spoken in tongues. By this,
they mean ecstatic utterances- unintelligible expressions—sometimes called
heavenly languages. What should we make of this? What does the word of God
say about speaking in tongues? |
Bobby Stafford
Sunday AM Sermon
March 29, 2020 |
The Will Of God
In verses one and two, Paul
exhorted that prayers should be offered for all men, including civil
authorities. The desired result was a world of calm, serenity, and peace,
one conducive to spreading the gospel to all men.
Text: 1 Timothy 2: 3-7 |
Jesus Christ
Bobby Stafford
Sunday AM Sermon
March 22, 2020 |
Pray For All Men
Paul's letter to Timothy is
a great guidebook on the life of the church, how to worship and serve God,
and how to live together. God desires that his people lead a certain kind of
life. The essential ingredient for that was for them to pray for all men.
Text: 1 Timothy 2: 1, 2 |
Bobby Stafford
Sunday AM Sermon
March 15, 2020 |
The Good Warfare Paul's great
concern for the congregation of the Lord's church is very apparent in these
three verses. He knew some in the church at Ephesus had strayed from the
truth and might influence others to do the same. He places responsibility
upon Timothy to hold fast to the doctrine that taught men to put their trust
in Christ.
Text: Timothy 1: 18-20 |
Bobby Stafford
Sunday AM Sermon
February 23, 2020 |
Paul’s Prayer Of
Paul begins this letter to
Timothy by urging him to command those in adversity only the doctrine of
Christ. It was the only thing that could save them And us by extension. Now
let's read verse 11. Paul states that the gospel had been committed to his
trust. Proclaiming that gospel was a grave responsibility and a wonderful
privilege. The eternal destiny of many precious souls depended upon him
preaching that glorious gospel, The doctrine of Christ. In the next few
verses, 12-17, he shows us his gratitude to God.
Text: one Timothy 1:
12-17 |
Bobby Stafford
Sunday AM Sermon
February 16, 2020 |
The Doctrine Of Christ
By the time Paul wrote this
letter to Timothy, they had traveled together for many years. Paul had left
Timothy at Ephesus and placed a great deal of responsibility upon his young
shoulders. He was to teach the church there how to conduct itself, how to
worship, how to treat one another, and how to evangelize. But Timothy was to
accomplish this by means of sound doctrine. Paul says to use scripture, the
word of God. It was to have the foremost place in his work.
Text: one Timothy 1: 3-7 |
Bobby Stafford
Sunday AM Sermon
February 9, 2020 |
Betrayed and Denied
Jesus and the apostles were
in the garden of Gethsemane. Being in agony and deep distress, repetitions
three times, the father that, if there is any way possible, remove this cup
of suffering or death. The answer: there is no other way. So with strong
determination, he forges ahead with God's plan for man's redemption. He
tells his disciples,” Rise, let us be going. See, he who betrays me is at
To examine Judas betrayal
and Peter's denial so as to help us never to betray or deny our savior. |
Jesus Christ
Christian Living
Bobby Stafford
Sunday AM Sermon
February 2, 2020 |
Principle of Submission
Our society looks down upon
any concept of “submission." Just by bringing up the subject, you would
probably receive several dirty looks. Yet, it is a biblical
subject addressed countless times throughout the sacred text.
Theme: examine the
principle of submission as seen in the New Testament and determine how it
applies to the woman's role question. |
Christian Living
Bobby Stafford
Sunday AM Sermon
January 26, 2020 |
Go Into All
The World
Just before he ascended
back to heaven, Jesus had one final instruction to impart to his disciples.
He gave them his plan for spreading the gospel, good news, and making more
disciples. This Final instruction, which Jesus gave his disciples before
leaving earth and returning to heaven, is what is commonly called the Great
The text for our lesson
today is Matthew 28:16-20. |
Bobby Stafford
Sunday AM Sermon
January 19, 2020 |
Amazing Grace
One of the most moving
religious songs ever written. The lyrics were composed by John Newton, an
English sea captain in the late 1700s. He spent much of his life on the sea.
For many years, he led a very wicked life and eventually became captain of a
slave ship. He captured natives in Africa and sold them at slave markets. A
turning point in his life came on March 10th, 1748. A storm struck his slave
ship, and everything appeared to be lost. His life was spared, and he began
studying the Bible and other religious books. This experience led to a
profound transformation in him. He eventually quit the slave business and
became a preacher for an Anglican church. Many would come to hear how this
formerly wicked, slave-trading sea captain changed his life. |
Bobby Stafford
Sunday AM Sermon
January 12, 2020 |
By What Authority
Jesus enters Jerusalem during the last
week before his death. He cleanses the temple, heals the blind and the lame,
and causes the fig tree to wither. While He was in the temple, the Jewish
leaders asked him two questions. Question #1: What authority did he have to
do these things? Question #2: who gave him that authority? Jesus replied,
clarifying that there are only two possible sources for our religious
practices: God or man. There are no other possibilities. sermon text Matthew
21: 23-27 |
Bobby Stafford
Sunday AM Sermon
January 5, 2020 |
Are You Right With God? |
Christian Living
