Dear Friends,
Let your(our) light so shine before men, that
they may see your (our) good works, and glorify your (our)
Father which is in heaven. Math 5:16. I am thankful for your
kind help and for your kind encouragement to continue the Lord’s
work in India. Please find the progress of the Lord’s work from
2nd November 2008 to 22nd November 2008. This is the fruit of
your prayers.
1. Worship in 5 congregations. my son lead in 1 congregation)
2. Had Bible Class in 5 congregations
3. Worship service started in Boggaram church of Christ.
4. Visited Rajanagar church of Christ and had Bible class there.
5. Worship continue in Rajanagar with a brother baptized be me.
6. Working in 5 new villages who are needed the Gospel.
7. Private bible study with 35 people.
8. Family prayers 14
9. Visited 9 sick.
10. Visited the boy who is suffering with cancer.
11. Preach the Gospel 11 Hindu Higher cast people.
12. Preached in a Gospel meeting.
13. Preached in a funeral in Kamepalli church of Christ
Congregation : Ave. Attendance: Ave. Contribution:
1. church of Christ in Makkenavaripalem: 49 : $2.70
2. church of Christ in Subbaiahpalem 34 : $2.40
3. church of Christ in Ramanjaneyapuram 30 : $2.60
4. church of Christ in Boggaram 50 : $1.40
5. church of Christ in Rajanagar 3 : $0.20
Word of Lord Preached in worship service:1. Miracles of Jesus:
2. Let’s Give Our Best , 3 Don’t touch 2 Samuel 6:1-19.
We started the worship service in Boggaram church of Christ on
9th of this month.i.e second Sunday. This village is located in
Eepuru mandal. Guntur district, Andhra Pradesh. Most of the
members attended along with some other people.. First week
attendance is about 50. Average attendance is 35. From these 35
people 16 are Christians. We are conducting the worship service
at 7.00 PM in the building of 7thday Adventist denomination.
I blessed to have the chance to visit 4 congregations each
Sunday and preached in 3 congregations. In one congregation my
son Bharath Bhushan preaches and lead the worship.
We are planning to conduct a special Gospel Camp at a sea shore
of Bay of Bengal. We hope to conduct it in this week. All of the
congregation and interested people will be attend the program.
Most of the expenses will be bear by the congregation people. I
teach and motivated them in this way.
We had a cyclone but there is no any damage to any of the
congregations. Today again weather people announced there is
deep depression in the bay of Bengal and there will be sever
rains in our area.
Mid week Bible Classes
Name of the congregation; Ave. Bible Class Attendance: Lesson
church of Christ in Makkenvaripalem 44 Worship
church of Christ in Subbaiahpalem 26 . “
church of Christ in Ramanjaneyapuram 29 “
Work in New villages; I visited new village Alavala, Gundepalli,
near by Subbaiahpalem village and S.L.Gudipadu near by
Ramnajaneyapuram village along with our brothrs from
Subbaiahpalem and Makkenvaripalem by the car . We visit every
home in that villages had private bible study with the
interested people and conduct small meetings in their houses . I
hope they will come to the Lord at nearest day. And visited some
other two villages near by Vinukonda city in my state.
Funeral: I know a sister who is living in my home when we were
kids. Her name is suvarthamma. She is the age about 70. She was
died in kamepalli village and I went to there and preached in
the funeral program.
Prayer requests: Please continue to pray for the work.
All of my family, orphans and congregations sending their hearty
thanks to you and praying for you.
In the Love of the Lord.
Your brother in Christ
Archive of old Work Reports |
Preaching The Gospel
in India |
The churches of Christ
in India
Salute you |
church of Christ in
Makkenvaripalem |
The church of Christ
in Subbaiahpalem |
The church of Christ
in Ramanjaneyapuram |
The church of Christ
in Rajanagaram |
The church of Christ
Boggoram |
Challenges in India |
System |
Poverty |
Denominations |
Educating the Poor |
References |
Past Work Reports |
Oct 19th to Nov 1,
2008 |
Sept 1 to Oct 4, 2008 |
June 29th to July
12th, 2008 |
May 25th to June 28th |
May 11 - May 24th |
April 27 to May 10 |
April 6 to April 19, 2008 |
March 23rd to April 5 |
9th March to 22nd March,
2008 |
Feb 17th to March 1st 2008 |
3rd February to 16th
February 2008 |
January 27th to February 2, 2008 |
January 20th to Jan 26th 2008 |
January 6th to January 19th 2008 |
December 29th to January 5th |
December 23rd to the 29th |
December 15 to the 22nd |
December 8th to the 15th |
November 25th to December 8th |
November 18th to 24th |
November 11th to 17th 2007 |
November 4th to
10th 2007 |
October 28 - November 3rd |
October 13th - 20th |
October 7-13th |