Dear friends in Christ
By the grace of the Lord and by your fervent prayers I, my
family and children are doing well. I am sorry for the long
delay of sending my regular report. I am very thankful to
Almighty and all of you who strengthen me in the work to win the
souls for Him. God is our refuge and strength, A very present
help in trouble. Psalm 46:1
We are praying and remembering you all in our prayers for your
good health and joy in Christ. I am thankful for your kind help
with your prayers , encouragement and financial help to continue
the Lord’s work. Please find the work report from 1st January to
7th March 2009.
1. Baptisms 5
2.Started a new congregation.
3. Worked in 6 congregations.
4. Lead worship in 6 congregations with assistance of my son and
local leader.
5. Working for 11 new villages. We have several responses.
6. I stared to work in a tribal area.
7. Conducted 18 Gospel meeting.
8. Had 191 private bible studies.
9. Conducted Bible classes in 4 congregations.
10. Conducted 14 family prayer meetings.
11. Preached in two funerals.
12.Preached in a memorial meeting.
13. Preached in two marriage programs.
14.Preached in two birthday programs.
15. Worked in 3 districts.
16. Working for 18 Hindu higher cast people sow the seed.
17. Visited the sic who are suffering with HIV and suffering
with kidney problem.
18. Started Indian Christian School.
Congregation : Ave.Attendance: Ave.Contribution:
1. church of Christ in Makkenavaripalem 51 : $ 3.29
2. church of Christ in Subbaiahpalem 34 : $ 2.90
3. church of Christ in Ramanjaneyapuram 37 : $ 2.00
4. church of Christ in Boggaram 24 : $ 1.40
5. church of Christ in Rajanagaram 9 : $ 0.85 of Christ in Maseed Manyam. 2 : $ 0.14
Word of Lord Preached:- 1. Living like Jesus, 2. What is the
wrongue with denominational baptism, 3. what is the difference
of Sabbath and resurrected day(Sunday)4.How do we know that the
early church did not use instrumental music? 5.What was the
first church? 6. I don’t belong to Satan, 7. The duty of
man,8.Chrstian education1 and 2.
Mid week Bible Classes; We coducted the Bible classes in 4
congrgations. Average attendance in church of Christ in
Makkenavaripaelm is 47, at church of Christ in Subbaiahpalem 33,
at church of Christ in Ramanjaneyapuram 29, at church of Christ
in Boggaram 18. I teached on the differences of different
denomination doctrines.
Baptisms:- One lady from Boggaram village baptized in to Christ.
Her name is Yellamandamma, age about 50, It is the first
conversion after i rebuild the congregation here after the 7th
day Adventists disturbance. She has a good husband children. But
they are not yet baptized in to Christ. And two were baptized in
to Christ in Boggaram church of Christ. Their names are Kakani
Palaiah age about 50 and Kakani Malleswarao age about 52. They
are blood brothers also.
New congregation:- I started the work in new place in a small
city Vinukonda, Guntur district. The area name is Maseedu manyam
. This is newly started colony. There i had private bible study
with several family for the last several weeks. There are some
denominations like believers, baptist and 7thday Adventist
people are there. Today two are obeyed the Gospel baptized in to
Christ. They are from 7thday Adventist background. Their names
are Vinukonda Nynalu and Vijaya. I continue to sow the seed. We
started the worship here with this two new souls this coming
Sunday. Please continue to pray for the work.
Work in the midst of tribal:- I visited a remote place 4 times
in these two months and sow the seed.. The name of the place is
Lakshmipuram Thanda. Thanda mean a groups of people who are
living in a remote place and in the midst of hills and forests.
It is in the area of Bollapalli mandal , in the district of
Guntur. I find there are good people who like to hear the
Gospel. There are only about 35 houses and all of them are
Hindus. They worship Hindus gods. I visited several of the
houses , had private bible study and also gather them in one
place and preached the Gospel. There are some responses. There
are some young boys attracted to the Christ. Their names are
Kalyan Naik and Tulasi Naik, After my visit some of the
denominational groups also visiting them. But I am trying my
best in inject the truth. They don’t have Pray for this work.
We conducted the burial program and memorial meeting of
Sis.Jyothi . She is the age about 22. She is good and faithful.
She is member of Lord's church in Makkenavaripalem,. She has a
good husband two children.Pray for them. And also I preached in
a memorial meeting in Narasaraoept. One of the preacher’s wife
was passed away few years back. He and his children conducted
this program.
Indian Christian School: - On 1st of March we started the Indian
Christian school in Narasraoepet in my house. We constructed two
rooms for it. Indian
Christian school started with much prayers of all of the
congregations I am working. Most them attended for the worship
and for the program.
I visited a sister Rosamma who is suffering with kidney problem.
She has been in the hospital for the last 13 days. She need your
prayers. She is pregnant also. Doctors advised her to have a
surgery. Pray for her.. So doctors Helping the Kids who are
suffering with HIV: I am helping for a widow who is suffering
with HIV. She has two children who are suffering with same
problem. She is from the village from Ramanjaneyapuram.
Sunday School and Bible class for ladies:- My wife conducted
Sunday school in Makkenavaripalem and in Ramanjaneyapuram .
House Visits:- I am visited the families that was baptized by
7th day people in Boggaram and preached the truth and I find
there are some more responses there. And as usually I visited
members of the congregation.
Bithday program; On 1st of March after the completed the school
opening program we went to Makkenvaripaelm congregation and
preached in a birthday program. Parents names are Besleelu and
Malleswari. Two years back I solemnized their marriage. Now they
have a beautiful child. They named her as Praharsha.
We trust that all things work together for good to them the love
God to them who are called according to His purpose.Rom:6:28. We
pray my God shall supply all your need according to His riches
in Glory by Christ Jesus. Amen.
In the Love of the Lord.
Yours brother in Christ
Archive of old Work Reports |
Preaching The Gospel
in India |
The churches of Christ
in India
Salute you |
church of Christ in
Makkenvaripalem |
The church of Christ
in Subbaiahpalem |
The church of Christ
in Ramanjaneyapuram |
The church of Christ
in Rajanagaram |
The church of Christ
Boggoram |
The church of Christ in
Massad Manyam |
Challenges in India |
System |
Poverty |
Denominations |
Educating the Poor |
References |
Past Work Reports |
Jan 2009 to March 2009 |
Nov 23 to Dec 31, 2008 |
Nov 2 to Nov 11, 2008 |
Oct 19th to Nov 1,
2008 |
Sept 1 to Oct 4, 2008 |
June 29th to July
12th, 2008 |
May 25th to June 28th |
May 11 - May 24th |
April 27 to May 10 |
April 6 to April 19, 2008 |
March 23rd to April 5 |
9th March to 22nd March,
2008 |
Feb 17th to March 1st 2008 |
3rd February to 16th
February 2008 |
January 27th to February 2, 2008 |
January 20th to Jan 26th 2008 |
January 6th to January 19th 2008 |
December 29th to January 5th |
December 23rd to the 29th |
December 15 to the 22nd |
December 8th to the 15th |
November 25th to December 8th |
November 18th to 24th |
November 11th to 17th 2007 |
November 4th to
10th 2007 |
October 28 - November 3rd |
October 13th - 20th |
October 7-13th |