Dear friends in Christ
We are sending our hearty thanks for your kind prayers and encouragement
for the work of the Lord I am doing in India. Please find the progress
of the work from 19th April to 20th June 2009. I am able to do this work
with your kind prayers and help.
1. Worked and lead worship services in 6 congregations.
2. We have some responses.
3. Had 42 private bible studies.
4. Conducted 7 family prayer meetings.
5. Conducted Bible classes in 3 congregations.
6. Preached in one memorial meeting in Narasaraopet.
7. Attended and lead a gathering for marriage proposal dinner in two
8. Lead two naming prayer meetings.
9. Performed one wedding.
10. Preached in two thanksgiving prayer meetings.
11. Worked in 3 districts.
12. Preached in two Gospel meetings.
13. Visited 5 new villages.
14. Helped to 4 aged for the cataract surgery.
15. Visited the sic who is suffering with kidney problem.
16. Distributed 9 New Testaments.
17. Participated in birthday party.
18. Conducting special class for the men from the 6 congregations.
19. Indian Christian School and Home.
Congregation : Ave.Attendance: Ave.Contribution:
1. church of Christ in Makkenavaripalem 51 : $3.60
2. church of Christ in Subbaiahpalem 34 : $2.90
3. church of Christ in Ramanjaneyapuram 37 : $2.60
4. church of Christ in Boggaram 25 : $1.30
5. church of Christ in Rajanagaram 11 : $0.20 of Christ in Masseed Manya, 4 $0.30
Word of Lord Preached:- His kingdom, His church, The Christ We Honor.
Mid week Bible Classes
Name of the congregation: Ave. Bible Class Attendance: Lesson
church of Christ in Makkenavaripalem 40 Meaning of worship & acceptable
church of Christ in Subbaiahpalem 29 "
church of Christ in Ramanjaneyapuram 30 "
Responses:- We have some responses from the villages Kottapalem,
Subbaiahpalem, Makkenvaripalem and Ramanjaneyapuram. I am trying to
continue to preach the word expecting fruits at His time. I am have
chance to have private bible study with a Hindu higher cast lady from
Subbaiahpalem village. Her name is Rathhmma. She has a husband and also
children. And also another aged lady Nagamma also intrested to learn the
truth. Indian are very religious people but the denominations confusing
them with their false things. we have some 8 responses from the other
Visiting the sic: Two of our brothers from Ramanjneyapuram troubled with
the kidney’s problems. Doctors diagnised that they has some stones in
kidneys. Doctor gave some good treatment and suggested to drink much
water. Their name is Nageswararao and Yesuratnam. Now they are better
and attending for the services. And We have several aged and aged widows
in our congregations who are suffering with eye problems.
I am glad to inform you that i am able to bring them to the hospital and
helped them for cataract surgery. Just i ride them the car provided by
you. Now they are able to see and thankful to you in His name. Because i
am able to do this with your prayers and help. There are some more
looking forward for this surgery. We will plan for them soon.
Lord’s supper: I am glad to inform you that Now in Subbaiahpalem church
of Christ one sister come forward to prepare the bred for every Lord’s
day. And Sis.Mahalakshmi is providing needed wheat powder. And in
Ramanajaneyapuram Chinnamai is preparing the bread for the Lord’s supper.
Benevolence from the Local church members : Bro.Manda Subbara who is
member of Makkenvaripalem church helped with 25kgs rice for the kids , I
am glad for his kind heart. And one Sis.Thirupathamm from Subbaiahpalem
congregation helped with some mangoes for the kids.
Another New village: I visited a new village named as Konidena where 7th
Adventist people deceived 300 people and constructed a building and
directing them to false worship. This village is located in Prakasam
district, Martur mandal , Prakasam district, I have private bible study
with a person name as Janrajupalli China Veeraiah and some other people.
It seems they are receptive to the word , so I wish to conduct small
meeting there. I will inform you if I have any positive response.
Indian Christian School: Now I am taking care of 19 children. They are
in my home. I am providing the clothing, uniform, note book, pens
pencils, black shoes, school belts specially prepared on school name.
Some more children are looking for our help. The school works from 9 to
12 AM and 2 to 4 PM. Thank you for your kind help for it. I am planning
to take some pictures for the typical day of the students. My son
Bharath and my wife Teaches the stories from the bible and my old
daughter teaches evening study hour.
Wedding in Makkenavaripalem: I performed the marriage of Koteswarao and
Rajakumari in Makkenvaripalem who is working as a teacher in another
village China Mupplapadu. Pray for this new couple.
Another HIV Patient: I visited another HIV Patient in Makkenavaripalem,
Her name is Koteswaramma. She is not faithful girl age about 26. She has
a husband and two children. I tried to teach her the truth.
Rajanagarm church of Christ is gathering in a small thatched house
construed by me. They are doing well and sending their hearty greeting
to you.
We conducted a special prayer meeting in the house of Sis.Padma named
her child as Israel . She is member of the Lord’s church in
Ramanjaneyapuram . She is faith girl . They have two more girls I named
them too in the past. I named a boy as David in Subbaiahpalem church of
Christ .
We pray my God shall supply all your need according to His riches in
Glory by Christ Jesus. Amen.
In the Love of the Lord.
Yours brother in Christ
Archive of old Work Reports |
Preaching The Gospel
in India |
The churches of Christ
in India
Salute you |
church of Christ in
Makkenvaripalem |
The church of Christ
in Subbaiahpalem |
The church of Christ
in Ramanjaneyapuram |
The church of Christ
in Rajanagaram |
The church of Christ
Boggoram |
The church of Christ in
Massad Manyam |
Challenges in India |
System |
Poverty |
Denominations |
Educating the Poor |
References |
Past Work Reports |
April to June 2009 |
March to April 2009 |
Jan 2009 to March 2009 |
Nov 23 to Dec 31, 2008 |
Nov 2 to Nov 11, 2008 |
Oct 19th to Nov 1,
2008 |
Sept 1 to Oct 4, 2008 |
June 29th to July
12th, 2008 |
May 25th to June 28th |
May 11 - May 24th |
April 27 to May 10 |
April 6 to April 19, 2008 |
March 23rd to April 5 |
9th March to 22nd March,
2008 |
Feb 17th to March 1st 2008 |
3rd February to 16th
February 2008 |
January 27th to February 2, 2008 |
January 20th to Jan 26th 2008 |
January 6th to January 19th 2008 |
December 29th to January 5th |
December 23rd to the 29th |
December 15 to the 22nd |
December 8th to the 15th |
November 25th to December 8th |
November 18th to 24th |
November 11th to 17th 2007 |
November 4th to
10th 2007 |
October 28 - November 3rd |
October 13th - 20th |
October 7-13th |