It is a blessed year, Lord Blessed us to do many mighty
things with the help of many blessed supporters who stand on
my back and keep me in their precious palms and blessed me
with the chance to do good things for His cause. If you are
not with me it is impossible to do it and impossible to
continue it. Me and my family sending my big thanks to you
all. And it is not possible for us to express my thanks
feeling with a small word thanks, Please find the progress
report on the work from the 1st January to 31 December
17 Baptisms
We preached in 72 Gospel meetings in this year.
Conducted 10 preachers gathering meetings .
Preached in 8th Annual Preachers Files lectureship hosted by Rogers
Springs church of Christ, Middleton.TN,USA. My subject is
"You Can Be Sure About The Difference in the Covenants
(Testaments)" This is my 7trip to usa. I am a regular speak
at this lectureship. I feel I am part in this work too.
We reopened Living Stone Preachers Training School. Now we have 5
students in the school.
Providing traveling expenses for 2 additional preachers.
We celebrated 4th Anniversary of Indian Christian School on 9th
May 2013.
We are able to continue to provide food and shelter and all for 50
kids in our home.
Cost of the rice raised very highly.
Able to provide education for 178 kids in our Indian Christian
We are able to run the Bus and able to bring the 128 kids from
their homes to the school.
Inaugurated Ganesuapalem church of Christ building and
Kancahragaunta church of Christ building. We are able to
complete these two church buildings.These two were
inaugurated by our Bro.Sam Adams.
Bro.Sam Adams, Elder, Rutherfordton church of Christ spent 5 days
with us.
We bought the land for the Indian Christian School and Home. It is
less than one acre. This land is located at the distance of
3 miles from my house. And it is on the main road. I mean by
the side of state Higway. It is giant step .
We are able to nearly complete the drainage area work. We set 12
cement pipes and fill with gravel at all of the other area
between the our school land and highway. And also built 4
corner columns for the land and also built two extra.
I am glad to inform you that, There is no any house on this side of
the highway. We are the first one who step in to that land.
So we need a name for that area. At the time of thought I
remind a name of a brother who loved the Lord's work. We
like to call that area on his name in the name of the Lord.
So we named that area as "Jamison Nagar". Nagar means
village or part of city. Now it will become the Christians
We are able to nearly complete the drainage area work. We set 12
cement pipes and fill with gravel at all of the other area
between the our school land and highway. And also built 4
corner columns for the land and also built two extra.
We extend our Aged and infirmed feeding project some other
congregation Makkenavaripalem with 23.We have 12 in
Subbaiahpalem congregation. Totally we are providing one
meal every day for 35 aged and infirmed.
Helping 4 single parents students for their Teacher Training
Employing 5 Teachers, 1 drive, 1 cleaner, 1 cook.
We replaced the school bus tires , We need to do it every year.
I blessed to bought a new big car.
We are able to distribute the swatters to protect them from
the cold for the kids who are in our home.
We need your prayers and encouragement to continue the
Lord's work here in India. We are praying for you.
Brother in Christ
B.Bharath Bhushan
Please visit:
Baptisms at the church of
Christ in Kanchragunta |